26 Pictures You Need To Look At Twice

A collection of funny, sometimes weird pictures, taken in different angles combined with the ‘perfect’ lighting

As much as we would consider ourselves having good eyesight, lighting combined with some casual situations can be tricky for the eyes sometimes!

We at Viral Strange will show you some funny (and weird) pictures that you need to look at twice!

Water can be tricky…

© izismile

Whose arm is that?

© lilahmy

A nice swimsuit for a man…

© imgur

When bearded guys look up:

© YnnzZ

My sister took a Polaroid of the dog in the snow but he blends in too well.”

© apotr0paic / twitter

More proof that cats are liquid.

© NapkinTheBatDad / reddit

“Looks like my ex.”

© ratgraves / twitter

Darth Vader is back. Does it make the same sounds?

© txdude75252 / reddit

“What did this palm tree find out?”

© MrSllew / reddit

Did you think that this was toothpaste too?

© farmerfrugal / reddit

Industries polluting the clean air

© Dragonlord_66 / reddit

“The bottom of my eraser looks like a  painting of birds in front of a row of trees.”

© Maxiscoolerthanyou / reddit

Giant pigeons

“I hope it’s just an illusion.”

© kilerppk / reddit

This cat has fur eyes above its real eyes:

© wtdarn / reddit

How is this even possible?

© whicketywack / reddit

“Ducks will start to melt at 90°F.”

© varric_chestbeard / reddit

“This truck carrying rolls of plastic looks like Cookie Monster.”

© TheSpacePope17 / reddit

No, this is not a dog.

© otterpigeon / reddit

Great muscles!

© McCyanide / reddit

Don’t call the fire team just yet…

© Isagra / reddit

This is too cruel:

© vernontwinkie / reddit

Just a frozen statue, nothing more.

© banzaaai / reddit

Don’t confuse them!

© mk911 / reddit

This backpack is very light, but what do you need it for?

© Scaulbylausis / reddit

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