
These simple words make me want to know more about :

” what love is and how does it works in our life ”.

My experience of knowing ” love” maybe is not much as what people had experienced before. Some people will be happy because of love and some of them may be hurt because of love.

And how about yours? Are you happy with your life especially with the love you have right now or you don’t? Have you ever asked your self about this? Or never? If you look closely, your question has your answer.

In my opinion, LOVE is a wonderful feeling. LOVE is the most beautiful emotion in this world. Love is eternal, immortal, mature, selfless, patient and pure. Love doesn’t expect anything in return. Love never complains, love never regrets, love never demands. It inspires us to become the best that we can be. It allows us to see the good out of the bad and the same time it teaches us the value things in life. But at the same time, being in love can cause pain and each of us, at some point has already experienced this. Unfortunately, this kind of pain is inevitable.

When we are in love, all we can see are beautiful things. We yearn for sweetness and affection. We also look for the tangible ways in which our feelings can be represented. Because of this cravings, we tend to set expectations on how love can be exercised. But how when we expect certain things to happen but they won’t?

Indeed feeling frustrated is normal but there is no need to wallow in the pain brought by failed expectations.

Does love give meaning to life? Yes, it does!

Love is part of life. The most beautiful things in love are when we finally rise from our failures and enjoy what we have and what we don’t have. Because love comes in different forms and ideals and it is up to us how to interpret it these to keep happy and content.

Love gives you hope, love gives you strength, love give you energy, love makes you feel better and love makes you want to do nice things.

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