5 things you should do in the morning to be healthy

You must understand that self-care is everyone’s priority, so in order to always be healthy, you must set some “rules” for yourself every day. The first rule is “eat breakfast”. Now let’s start with the others:

Clean your teeth and mouth
An old technique is to scrub with a tablespoon of olive oil. In addition to oral health, olive oil also relieves the pain of many people who grind their teeth or move their jaws at night. Use for about 20 minutes as a gargle on an empty stomach, because this movement also removes all toxins from the body.

laying down
Some exercise is always a good way to relax and meditate a little, as well as to warm up the body. If you have time, do yoga exercises as well. If the part of the day that comes is a chair, the eye should be more stretching.

Drink water with lemon
A glass of water in room water has a lot to offer: not only will you hydrate in the morning, but you will also get vitamin C, which helps the skin and increases the good functioning of the metabolism, but also increases the mood.

Take care of the skin
Never leave the house without moisturizing your skin. Cleanse first, apply the anti-aging serum and then moisturize. Two or three times a week, don’t forget to use the scrub.

Take vitamins
To gain more energy during the day, take B12, omega-3 for your health and vitamin E for skin, skin and nails.