A young woman walks into a bar

A young woman walks into a bar and sits down next to a man wearing a cowboy hat. “Excuse me sir but are you a real cowboy?” The man says,

“Well I have a ranch and horses. I go to rodeos and raise cattle and other livestock, so yes I suppose I’m a real cowboy.” The woman says,

“Well I think I’m a l*sbian. Women are always on my mind whether

I’m working eating driving or whatever its still the same.

I cant get women off my mind. Yes I think I’m a lsbian.” The young woman gets up and leaves the coffee shop.

A short time later a young guy comes in and sits down next to the man and asks him,

“Sir are you a real cowboy?” To that the man replies, “Well I always thought

I was, but just a few minutes ago I found out l’m a I*sbian!”