Teacher Tells Stude

Teacher Tells Stude

TEACHER: Tommy, can you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Can you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Step outside and look up at the sky. TOMMY: Sure. (He returned shortly) Yes, I saw the sky. TEACHER: Did you see God? TOMMY: No. TEACHER: Exactly. Since we can’t see God, he must not…

Husband Re,ceives Pho

Husband Re,ceives Pho

John and Chloe had always shared a deep and passionate love, their connection growing stronger with every passing day. As they walked hand-in-hand one evening, John felt it was time to make a request that had been weighing on his mind. Pausing to face Chloe, he took a deep breath and asked if she would…