I Heard My Husband Talking about Me to His Family and I Can’t Stop Crying

In February 2023, a young woman shared a touching love story on Reddit. Married at 20 through an arranged marriage, she and her 21-year-old husband quickly fell deeply in love, bonded by respect, shared values, and dedication to their family. Their relationship was strengthened by the birth of their daughter seven months before her post.

Her husband took a three-year leave from his job to support her through pregnancy and early motherhood. He showed his love through acts of care, such as making baths and cooking. “He would always make me a bath, cook, clean, and always sit me down just to talk about how I feel,” she recounted.
During a family gathering, she overheard her husband expressing his deep happiness and gratitude for his wife and daughter to his parents. “I couldn’t help but cry, he’s an amazing guy,” she said.

Moved by his words, she planned a surprise date night to express her love and appreciation. “I will be telling him how much he means to me and tell him I love him,” she shared. Her story inspired many Reddit users, who encouraged her to continue showing her love openly.