Is It Safe To Eat Ground Beef That Looks Gray?

Is It Safe to Eat Ground Beef That Looks Gray?

Gray Beef in the Middle? No Worries! Seeing gray ground beef can be alarming, but it isn’t always a bad sign. Ground beef contains oxymyoglobin, which turns red when exposed to oxygen. “When a package of ground beef looks gray in color in the middle, it likely just means it hasn’t yet been exposed to oxygen.”

Check the Outside Color If the outside of your ground beef is gray or brown, or most of the meat is that color, it’s best to discard it. “It’s better to be safe than sorry and toss that package in the garbage.” Also, if the meat smells off, it’s probably spoiled.

Stay Vigilant Always be cautious about meat quality and freshness. Use these tips to decide when your ground beef is safe to eat and when to throw it out.