Teen nearly loses life after necklace is electrocuted by phone charger

A teenager shares his near-death experience with a phone charger in a freak accident.

The incident occurred while a teenager was charging his phone, so his alarm went off at school the next day.

On April 30, Danielle Davis, Rayce’s mother from the US, heard her 16-year-old son screaming for help in their home.

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Teen nearly loses life after necklace is electrocuted by phone charger. Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

Rayce had been electrocuted by his own necklace, which had come into contact with an exposed prong of a plug.

In a shocking incident, a teenager narrowly escaped death when his necklace was electrocuted by a phone charger. The teenager, Rayce Ogdahl, thought he was going to die in the freak accident.

Rayce was found in the hallway, clutching his neck, which bore scorch marks from the electrocution.

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Incident occurred while charging phone to set alarm for school. Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

He was rushed to the burn unit at Integris Health Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma, where he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

According to Danielle Davis, Rayce Ogdahl’s mom, there was damage to his neck.

After the incident, the house was filled with the awful smell of burned hair, skin, and electrical burns.

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Rayce’s necklace touched an exposed prong, causing severe burns.Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

Rayce explained that he had been in bed, adjusting his position, when he heard something fall off the bed. Wanting to ensure his phone was still charging for his alarm the next day, he leaned out of bed.

That’s when the cross necklace around his neck made contact with the exposed prongs of the plug in an extension cord.

Surprisingly, Rayce was fully conscious during the shock incident.

Rayce shared his experience, explaining that he was aware he was being electrocuted.

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Rayce was rushed to ICU with second, third, and fourth-degree burns. Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

The metal necklace had created a complete circuit around his neck, akin to a hot coil. He suffered second, third, and fourth-degree burns and will be left with lifelong scars.”

“He said he was completely conscious through the whole thing and was aware he was being electrocuted. Because everything was metal, it made a complete circuit around his neck. It was like a hot coil Danielle Davis said.

“He told me his whole body hurt, and he thought he was going to die.” She added.

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His neck, from chin to collarbone, is covered in scars. Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

After the incident, Rayce was left with lifelong scars after suffering second-, third-, and fourth-degree burns.

Additionally, Rayce faced significant damage to his neck caused by the phone charger.

Pictures showed the pattern of the necklace clearly visible on his neck, leaving a significant mark. His entire neck, from his chin to his collarbone, is covered in scars.

The incident has made Rayce more self-aware and cautious.

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Incident made Rayce more self-aware and cautious. Image Credits: Kennedy News and Media

Danielle is grateful that her son survived the incident.

She warns others about the dangers of having a phone on the bed, emphasizing that no text message or notification is worth risking one’s life. She advises everyone to pay attention to their cords and avoid using extension cords.

 Previously, a mother also warned another user that using a non-genuine could set the house on fire

In a related incident, Belinda shared her experience on Mum Central, recounting how she smelled an electrical burning smell one morning.

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A mom warned smartphone users that the knock-off iPhone charger could have set the house on fire. Image Credits: Mum central

Shortly after she removed her phone from the charger, the cable sparked and ignited a small fire on her rug.

Fortunately, she was able to detect and extinguish the fire before it could spread further.

Belinda’s incident serves as a stark reminder to exercise caution when dealing with chargers, phones, and electronic devices.

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Her house burned down due to the fake iPhone charger.. Image Credits: Mum central

It’s important to note that the charger she used was not an official Apple product, and the brand remains unknown.

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