This is why you should keep

When traveling abroad and staying at a hotel, it is recommendable to have the bathroom lights on during the night.

Among the rest, the dim-lit space can help overcome anxiety at those people who don’t find it comfortable sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings.

Next, it will provide visibility during potential emergencies such as fires or intrusions, allowing you to quickly find exits without fumbling for your phone or a light switch.

He captioned the post, “This hotel bathroom when you turn the bathroom light on at night.”

As expected, the comments showed that different people have different preferences, and as some said they would love glass doors because they provide a lot of light during the night, others said this would be a nightmare for them.

“I spent the night in a similar one recently… the bathroom light was motion activated, so there was no way to avoid turning it on too,” someone commented. “As someone who can’t sleep without the bathroom light under the door off, this would be a nightmare to me,” another added.