What My Husband Turned..

After a week away on a business trip, I returned home to find my kids, Tommy and Alex, asleep on the hallway floor, dirty and untidy. The house was a mess, and Mark, my husband, was nowhere to be found. Panic set in as I discovered him in the boys’ room, engrossed in a video game, surrounded by snacks and energy drinks.

Furious, I confronted him about neglecting the kids. He shrugged it off, claiming they were just having fun. I insisted he put them to bed and decided it was time for a change.The next morning, I treated Mark like a child, serving him breakfast with a sippy cup and presenting a chore chart complete with gold star stickers for tasks completed. I enforced strict screen time rules, even reading him bedtime stories.After a week of this, Mark finally admitted he couldn’t keep it up and promised to do better. I restored his gaming privileges, but the chore chart stayed as a reminder. Since then, he’s been more involved with the kids, and I’ve kept the sippy cup just in case.