Young boy helps dad to keep his newborn twin siblings warm in viral photo

Some images are so powerful, so heartwarming, that they’re almost impossible to resist. One such photo is of a little boy helping his father warm his two premature twin sisters.

Originally published on the Danish Facebook page Parents and birth in Denmark about three years ago, it’s been shared again and is now gaining new momentum.

Not long ago, Scandinavian maternity centers began an interesting new practice when it came to their newborn patients.

In medicine, the “skin-to-skin” method is used for the warmth and comfort of infants, especially those who are born prematurely. Premature babies are particularly sensitive to pain because their brains and nervous system aren’t yet fully developed. But skin-on-skin contact seems to have an analgesic or sedative effect, thus reducing their pain responses.

Also known as ”Kangaroo care,” the intent is to give the babies positive, comforting feelings in a critical stage of their development.

Research from the National Institute of Health shows that the technique effectively reduces pain among preterm babies.

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